Governance and Administrative Structure
In 1977, all school districts and county school offices were mandated to form consortiums in geographical regions of sufficient size and scope to provide for all special education service needs of children residing within the region boundaries.
The Antelope Valley Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is a multi-district SELPA comprised of ten participating local education agencies (LEAs) joined together to provide for the coordinated delivery of programs and services to students with special needs who reside in the area. The Palmdale School District is designated as the Administrative Unit (AU), also known as the Responsible Local Agency (RLA) for the SELPA.
In adopting the local plan, each participating LEA agrees to carry out the duties and responsibilities assigned to each agency within the local plan, or which may be delegated at a later date through an agreement of the participating agencies. The LEAs will ensure equal access to programs and services to eligible persons requiring special education in the service region. The local plan was designed to be fair and equitable to all agencies to continue the commitment to provide high quality programs for students. Click here to access the Antelope Valley Local Plan.
The function of the SELPA and participating agencies is to provide a continuum of quality educational programs and services appropriate to the needs of each eligible student with a disability who resides within the local plan area.
The governance structure of the SELPA is established by agreement among the Superintendents of the member LEAs. The governing body of the Antelope Valley SELPA is the Superintendents' Council The SELPA Program Administrator may convene additional advisory committee as needed. The SELPA Program Administrator is responsible for coordination of the SELPA and implementation of the local plan.