- Antelope Valley SELPA
- CAC Overview
Community Advisory Committee Overview
The AV SELPA CAC seeks to create a partnership with parents, educators, lawmakers, service providers and others in the community with the goal of improving and protecting the education of our children with special needs. We are here to empower, inform, and support you. We invite you to join us on our journey.
What is the CAC?
Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a school-associated group, comprised of parents, educators and other interested community members.
The functions of the AV SELPA CAC are:
- To provide training to parents and families of students with disabilities.
- Encourage parent and community involvement in the development and review of the local plan and disability awareness.
- Support activities on behalf of individuals with exceptional needs.
- Assist in parent awareness in the importance of regular school attendance.
Why come together?
Your CAC can provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to become more comfortable as a partner in the education process for your child. The CAC serves as a collaborative partnership to help ensure the best programs for our students.
CAC parents can:
- Collaborate and network with parents.
- Receive information related to your child's disability.
- Receive training through workshops.
- Learn to be an effective advocate for your child with special needs.
- Learn about school and community resources related to special education.
- Discuss ideas and concerns with people who will listen, understand, and respond
Who may attend the CAC meetings?
- Parents of students with disabilities
- School staff
- Agency staff serving people with disabilities
- Persons concerned about the needs of students with disabilities
The CAC welcomes everyone. The scheduled public CAC meetings are open to parents, caregivers, school staff and anyone who is interested in learning about Special Education. Be informed about what's happening with your school district, around the state of California, and receive other important information regarding Special Education. The AV SELPA CAC can provide the knowledge and skills necessary to become a partner in the education process for your child through workshops, presentations by experts, and community fairs and events. The CAC calendar is available on our website. The CAC and SELPA also periodically distribute fliers and newsletters during the school year.
What happens during the meetings?
At the start of each school year, several meetings are scheduled for the CAC. Meetings last for 1.5 hours on different days of the week and times of the day to accommodate our parents' various obligations. Some meetings will indicate a presentation relating to a topic in Special Education while other board meetings will include any official matters that need to be addressed by the Committee District Representatives.
Translators are aviailable by request, please contact the SELPA Office if you require a translator at the meeting.
Interested in becoming a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) District Representative? Each school district within the AV SELPA is required to have a district representative on the CAC. Contact the Director of Special Education in your child's district or the SELPA Office for more information on becoming a district representative. Representatives are appointed by each district and approved by the school board.